APplus detailed planning

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APplus detailed planning

Detailed planning software is an important tool for controlling and management. APplus offers you a pioneering solution that helps you plan your production processes – step by step and down to the smallest detail.

APplus detailed planning offers you

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  • Real-time operation
  • Optimization of your production planning
  • Numerous simulation options
  • Adjustable planning horizons
  • Optimal, residue-free planning
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The planning tool at a glance

APplus Detailed Planning is a forward-looking, detailed planning tool with a holistic focus. It enables you to manage your company’s supply chain (as sequence planning according to defined rules). The detailed planning module can increase the benefits of manufacturing processes by precisely defining targets, constraints, alternatives and other characteristics.

The result: more transparent information and holistic optimization along the entire cross-company value chain.


  • The detailed planning module is integrated into APplus. All planning-relevant elements and data – such as calendars, orders or resources – are provided.
  • As the planning tool is integrated into the real-time operation of APplus, no interfaces are required.
  • Simple and easy-to-use tools make interactive planning easier for you.
  • Scheduling, generation of order proposals and other subsequent steps for all orders are automated.
  • The visual display is in the form of a planning board – with information on orders, work processes and KPIs.
  • Set-up times, sequence, capacity utilization and workstation occupancy are optimized.
  • Overdue work steps and deadlines can be determined via forward scheduling and displayed graphically.
  • Planning horizons can be set as required.
  • Various filter functions provide a quick overview.

Pays off: Fast ROI

APplus provides you with predefined optimization scenarios for different types of production. For you, this means a very fast ROI with a low TCO.This means:
  • No incompatible process concepts and data structures
  • No duplication of functions and redundant master data
  • Perfect coordination between business processes and production management

Preisgekrönte ERP-Lösung
für den Mittelstand

Hohe Kunden­zufriedenheit

APplus überzeugt in der Trovarit-Studie erneut mit Bestnoten in der Anwenderzufriedenheit.

Ausgezeichnet als ITK-Produkt des Jahres

Die Leser der Funkschau wählten die ERP-Lösung APplus zum Produkt des Jahres 2019.

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