APplus User Advisory Board

Software needs continuous input from its users – and APplus is no exception. This is the only way we can ensure that the further development of the ERP system is geared towards the actual wishes and needs of the users.

That is why we have set up a user advisory board. All members of the advisory board use APplus.

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The task of the User Advisory Board is to promote the technological improvement and further development of all Asseco Solutions solutions and thus increase their economic benefits for users.

In concrete terms, this means

  • Picking up on technological and market-relevant trends.
  • Discuss opportunities for optimization of existing applications and general improvements.
  • Developing proposals and impulses for the further development of APplus.

Do you have feedback on APplus?

Our contact persons from the user advisory board look forward to hearing from you:

Volker Herrmann, EPflex Feinwerktechnik GmbH

Deputy Chairman:
Gebhard Schöllhorn, Lissmac Maschinenbau GmbH

Contact person on the part of Asseco:
Steve RothDirector Account Management

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