ERP solution for automotive

Switch to the fast lane.

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With APplus, you can shorten throughput times, optimize the production flow and improve your service.

Reliability, speed and seamless compliance with the strictest requirements – the processes in the automotive sector are among the most demanding in the manufacturing industry. Seamless traceability of delivered products is just as essential as compliance with specified quality assurance procedures in production.

APplus is specially tailored to the automotive industry and covers all of these requirements in full. The benefits: shorter throughput times, higher productivity and more speed thanks to a smooth exchange of information.

ERP highlights for the
automotive industry

Framework agreements

With APplus you can manage all framework agreements and view them at any time.

Delivery call-offs / JIT call-offs

Constantly up-to-date figures for your delivery and call-off orders.

EDI procedure

As an automotive industry solution, APplus supports the EDI process.

Components of the ERP solution for automotive

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  • Framework agreements
  • Delivery call-offs
  • Call-offs
  • Transports
  • EDI procedure
  • Container management
  • Detailed planning APS
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EDI procedure with APplus

All business processes between customer and supplier are handled on the basis of standardized electronic data interchange (EDI) procedures. However, different standards are preferred depending on the manufacturer and country (such as VDA, ODETTE or EDIFACT), which are often also modified and supplemented for specific manufacturers. In order to be able to reliably map all possible variants of electronic communication in the automotive industry, a great deal of experience is required with regard to the various EDI standards and the different communication procedures.

Plan forwarding transports efficiently

Of course, APplus Automotive also supports sophisticated transport logistics, which ensures that customers are supplied on time and as required. Freight forwarding or other types of shipping require specially prepared information to enable seamless tracking of the logistics chain.

In addition to the products to be delivered, the packaging materials or shipping containers used must also be precisely defined and stocked. In addition, a special document system (e.g. shipping order, consignment bill or goods tag) must be mapped, which must be transmitted in parallel in paper and electronic form.

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Credit memo expectation

APplus supports the import and processing of electronically transmitted credit notes in accordance with VDA4908. The credit note procedure stipulates that the goods recipient evaluates material deliveries with the agreed prices and creates credit notes for the supplier. The consignee receives electronically transmitted delivery note/transport data from the supplier for each delivery of goods in accordance with VDA4913 or EDIFACT DESADV.

Credit advice notes can be created largely automatically on this basis. The supplier reads in the credit advice data and compares it with the delivery note data sent. An optimal solution, also for finance and accounting: After the comparison, the credit note data can be transferred to financial accounting and the corresponding invoices can be created.

ERP data control center

The optimal use and linking of the numerous information flows has long been inconceivable without the qualified use of specialized IT systems. This makes the automotive industry an absolute pioneer in the implementation of IT-supported customer/supplier relationships and cross-company business processes (EDI, collaborative commerce). However, the specific requirements of automotive suppliers for their IT systems are not limited to the correct transmission of delivery call-offs, forwarding orders and shipping notifications.

Supplier companies in the automotive sector also have very high demands on the accuracy of planning and detailed planning as well as the documentation of their production processes. The ability to react flexibly to changing quantity and deadline requirements is paramount, as the reported requirements are subject to constantly increasing fluctuation margins with ever shorter forecast times.

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APplus Screen automotive rahmenvertrag

Framework agreements

A framework agreement is concluded for each item in the delivery program. In addition to the price and the agreed total quantity, the validity period of the contract and the required packaging type are also specified. By assigning an EDI partner, the forwarding agent and unloading point are also clearly identified for the customer. The current delivery progress and all completed and planned delivery call-offs are visible at all times in the framework agreement screen.

Delivery call-offs

In delivery call-offs, the customer continuously informs the supplier about the next planned deliveries for a specific item. The supplier uses this information to determine its own production plans. Additional information supports the planning of the products to be delivered, the packaging materials to be used and the quantities already delivered (cumulative quantities). Difference analyses between the individual call-offs support the adjustment of scheduling to fluctuating requirements.

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APplus Screen automotive feinabruf


The OEM informs its suppliers of the final delivery dates and quantities in detailed call-offs. The individual call-offs are then combined into shipments at short notice and made ready for dispatch.

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Customer loyalty




APplus Screen automotive fertigungsbehaelter

Container management

Container management in APplus includes packaging management that covers all requirements in the automotive industry. This leads to significantly lower personnel costs in container tracking and significantly lower costs, as previously necessary container stocks can be reduced.

Consignment warehouse

Consignment stocks can be stored for parts that are kept in the customer’s warehouse and assigned to the relevant location. Several warehouses can be assigned to one item. These consignment stocks are shown separately from the other stocks and for different customers.

textbild gross automotive konsignationslager

Automotive suppliers: An industry in transition

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The importance of automotive suppliers continues to grow. OEMs in the automotive sector are increasingly focusing on their key competencies in production and outsourcing entire system components to their upstream suppliers. This requires efficient management between OEM and system partners and their suppliers in the development, production and service phases.

This collaboration demands a high level of reliability from all partners and the ability to react quickly in the event of any disruptions. In order to reliably master these critical processes, a number of technical standards and best practices have emerged, some of which apply to the entire automotive industry, while others only apply to certain OEMs and their dedicated automotive suppliers.

ERP industry solution for cross-company processes

The modern software architecture of our ERP solution (XML Web Services) pays off particularly where modern EDI processes are to be implemented: a significant contribution to reducing costs.

APplus for automotive suppliers links the various company and functional areas with each other, coordinates processes in a targeted manner and controls them centrally. The result is integrated information processing.

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