APplus production data acquisition

Full of data urge.

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APplus production data acquisition

Our optimized and secure store floor data collection ensures that the processes in your company run smoothly. Whether recording order and personnel time or information on order, material and personnel data – the APplus component shows you the current status with just a few clicks.

APplus production data acquisition offers you

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  • Personnel time recording
  • Personnel management
  • Mobile personnel time recording
  • Order time recording
  • Machine data acquisition
  • Electronic vacation requests
  • Access control
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Personnel time recording

In the area of personnel time recording, APplus is ideal if you want to set up a modern attendance time management system. With flexibly definable time, shift and payroll models, overtime accounting including annual working time accounts, vacation management and access control, even the most demanding requirements are fully met.

High-quality industrial terminals are used as recording devices. Alternatively, a PC-supported and internet-capable input screen can be used, which can also be used to record time messages decentrally. Possible application locations include branch offices as well as service assignments and construction site installations.

Both production control and payroll accounting benefit significantly from the fully integrated APplus PDA component: for the most up-to-date information availability with minimal administration effort.

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process Personalmanagement

Personnel management

In many companies, personnel files can still be found in paper form in the cupboard. Applicant management, which has long been so important, works via resubmissions and Excel. By using APplus Human Resources, however, personnel processes can be made much more efficient and resources can be saved.

The APplus software seamlessly links personnel availability and capacity planning and supports personnel management in setting up a holistic personnel information system. Personnel planning can thus ensure that enough human resources are available to fulfill operational functions. APplus enables all employee data to be managed in one central location and provides information and data in real time.

Mobile personnel time recording

Among other things, our app gives you the opportunity to quickly and easily:
  • Book times for
    • Come
    • Walk
    • Interruptions
  • Display the balance information from the ERP
  • Submit vacation requests

Preisgekrönte ERP-Lösung
für den Mittelstand

Hohe Kunden­zufriedenheit

APplus überzeugt in der Trovarit-Studie erneut mit Bestnoten in der Anwenderzufriedenheit.

Ausgezeichnet als ITK-Produkt des Jahres

Die Leser der Funkschau wählten die ERP-Lösung APplus zum Produkt des Jahres 2019.

CrefoZert: Sehr gute Bonität bescheinigt

Volle Sicherheit für Sie für eine vertrauensvolle und langfristige Partnerschaft mit der Asseco.

Mehrfach prämiertes ERP-System

Mehrere Jahre in Folge wurde APplus bereits als ERP-System des Jahres in verschiedenen Kategorien ausgezeichnet.

Order time recording

As soon as an order has been created in the PPS module and the associated workshop order papers (including barcode) have been generated, messages can be stamped on the order. Once confirmed, times are immediately available in the order or project progress tracking.

Thanks to the integrated handling of PPS and PDA information, collective orders and messages can be calculated particularly conveniently. This benefits companies that have to produce a large number of individual parts with comparatively short cycle times.

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Machine data acquisition

The task on the store floor is to coordinate the large number of parallel customer orders. It is also important to keep an eye on a complex machine park. At the same time, quality must be guaranteed at all times.

By recording machine data, relevant data such as production times, quantities and, if applicable, the duration of interruptions can be recorded objectively and in real time. This is done in the simplest form using status signals such as “Part finished” and “Machine produced” or even interruption statuses. In addition, other machine information such as power consumption, speeds or potentiometer positions can be recorded in parallel with the current work process.

This machine data can be collected in a variety of ways, including directly from the controller (e.g. by reading data blocks from an S7 controller), by communicating with an existing OPC UA server or via IoT modules. The latter method in particular is a simple, cost-effective approach for collecting data from older machines (retrofitting) or – if this is not possible – making control signals available in a simple way.

Especially when a lot of machine data is available, further analysis options are available, e.g. via AI, in order to be able to make better quality statements or realize scenarios for predictive maintenance.

The PDC solution integrated in APplus enables the direct connection of machines (MDC). As a result, operating and machine data is recorded in real time, enabling forward-looking resource planning. This increases efficiency and adherence to schedules.

Order time recording offers additional benefits. It enables the monitoring of order progress, the precise planning of work processes and the accurate calculation of costs.

The running costing allows a regular review of the current costs during the order, while the post-calculation enables a comprehensive analysis of the actual costs after completion. Both approaches help to identify deviations and optimize future planning.

The combination of order time recording and costing gives you better control over your production, improved resource planning, greater efficiency and adherence to deadlines.

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