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APplus Customer Relationship Management (CRM)

The relationship coach.

Customer relationship management

The CRM feature of our APplus ERP software puts the focus on your customer. Manage your relationships effortlessly and keep them well maintained. This is how today's companies are increasing their customer orientation and, along with it, customer satisfaction.

Components of our CRM Feature

Dashboard Laptop
  • Campaign management
  • Opportunity Management
  • Insights
  • Finder
  • Sales forecasts
  • Management information system
  • Task management
  • Integrated document management

Requirements to the CRM software

The APplus CRM module covers all the requirements that the capital goods industry places on a CRM software:
  • Seamless control and tracking of customer relationships
  • Planning and execution of sales and marketing campaigns
  • Integration of the APplus Product Configurator
  • Qualified sales forecasts for sales management
  • High-quality data presentation in the Management Information System (MIS) based on OLAP technology and ABC analyses
  • Integration of corresponding documents such as letters, e-mail, etc.
  • Activity management incl. resubmissions (with clear, internal responsibilities for customer contact)
  • Targeted customer approach based on campaigns through diverse address selection (e.g. trade fair follow-up, sales promotions)
  • Competitive analysis

Options for mobile use of our CRM software

Sales representatives spend a lot of time on the road. This is where the wide variety of options for mobile use of APplus pay off:
  • User-specific syncing of contacts and tasks with Outlook and Microsoft Exchange
  • Ability to use selected APplus functions on any laptop with automatic sync with the in-house system.
  • Mobile use of the central system over the Internet directly while visiting a customer, in your home office or in a sales office without any limitations on function or speed.

Oppportunity Management – Intelligente Kundengewinnung

Screenshot APplus Opportunity Management

Keine aufwendigen Recherchen und alle relevanten Informationen immer parat dank unserem APplus Opportunity Management.

Sagen Sie zeitraubende Routinearbeiten ade – das APplus Opportunity Management bereitet für Ihre Vertriebsmitarbeiter alle Ergebnisse strukturiert und in Echtzeit auf. Sie behalten einen guten Überblick über die aktuellen Verkaufschancen und können Ihre Vertriebsressourcen richtig einsetzen.

Hier Ihre Vorteile im Vertriebsprozess mit dem intuitiven Cloud-Modul im Überblick:

  • Verkaufschancen erhöhen
  • Frei definierbarer Vertriebsprozess
  • Stakeholder-Analyse
  • 24/7 KI-Recherche
  • Tagesaktuelle Geschäftsimpulse

APplus Finder – Intelligentes Leadmanagement

Mit unserem KI-Modul zur intelligenten Lead-Generierung gehört die aufwendige Suche nach potenziellen Neukunden national wie auch international der Vergangenheit an.

APplus Finder analysiert Unternehmen mittels künstlicher Intelligenz, die zu Ihrem bestehenden Kundenstamm passen und liefert Ihnen täglich und vollautomatisiert erfolgsversprechende Leads. Und das inklusive geschäftsrelevanter Unternehmensdaten und Ansprechpartner.


APplus Insights – Vertriebsunterstützung durch KI

Im Firmenmonitor APplus Insights sind den Sales-Mitarbeitern die von der KI vorgeschlagenen Prospects im Anschluss der Lead-Generierung ganz einfach zugänglich:

Alle wichtigen Informationen inklusive aller relevanten Kontaktdaten werden an einem Ort zusammengetragen und in aufbereiteter Form vollautomatisiert zur Verfügung gestellt. Das entlastet das Vertriebsteam von langwierigen manuellen Recherchetätigkeiten, sodass es sich intensiv der Pflege von Kundenbeziehungen sowie der Neukundengewinnung widmen kann.

Complete integration of the CRM software into APplus

In the acquisition phase and as part of customer support, the system gives you complete access to all relevant information and operations that pertain to the respective customer:
  • Ongoing and concluded quotations and orders
  • Invoicing status and open items
  • Ongoing and concluded production orders or projects
  • Service inquiries or warranty cases
  • Installed systems and existing maintenance contracts
Ressourcen Plantafel

CRM-Software mit integrierter

When communicating with prospective or current customers, another extremely useful feature of our APplus CRM software is integrated document management. In addition to pure order data concerning articles, prices and deadlines, sales or call center employees have access to all other customer or order-related documents – such as letters, e-mail, drawings, specifications or contracts.The CRM module of our APplus ERP software gives sales processes a substantial boost in quality. It ensures a previously unknown level of completeness and transparency of all information about an individual customer or prospect, thus providing the foundation for improving long-term customer loyalty and short-term sales success.

Companies with more comprehensive requirements in the customer management area, such as those encountered by larger medium-sized businesses, can opt to use MS CRM 3.0. The integration of Microsoft CRM 3.0 into APplus includes seamless connections to the Microsoft Office System, particularly Excel, Outlook, SQL Server Reporting Services and other project-specific process workflows. The CRM solution enhances the customer management functions available in APplus with efficient functions for campaign management, including comprehensive reporting and analysis tools.The integration of both solutions makes sales opportunities visible, documents the sales history, and simplifies the tracking of competitor activities. The connection gives you access to all information and processes that are relevant for a customer.